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OpenChirp API Reference

The document specifies a RESTful API for interacting with the OpenChirp infrastructure. Usage of the API is via the HTTP protocol. All operations are defined as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE on resource URLs. Some examples of resources in the OpenChirp software stack are Location, Device, Gateway, Service etc. All these resources are represented in JSON.


The OpenChirp REST API uses the following error codes:

HTTP Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – The json in request body is not well-formed.
401 Unauthorized – Invalid credentials.
403 Forbidden – Logged in user does not have permissions to do this operation.
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.


Create new Location

Example Request:

POST /api/location/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1
    "geo_loc": {
      "coordinates": [

Example Response:

    "_id": "58d2ce918113446f5c8c28b8",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-29T21:18:42.684Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-22T19:20:49.271Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "CIC",
    "__v": 0,
    "test": false,
    "geo_loc": {
      "coordinates": [
      "type": "Point"
    "id": "58d2ce918113446f5c8c28b8"

HTTP Request

POST /api/location/<parentLocationId>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
parentLocationId ID of parent location

Request body

Name Type Description Required Default
name String Name of location Yes -
type Enum {BUILDING, INDOOR} If the location is a building or an indoor location inside a building. If this location is a building, then geoLoc should be set No -
test Boolean If set to true, then the location is not visible in tree No False
geo_loc.type String Type of geo-location : Point, Line etc No Point
geo_loc.coordinates Number Coordinates are in format [longitude, latitude] No -

Get details of a location

Example Request :

GET /api/location/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

    "_id": "58d2ce918113446f5c8c28b8",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-29T21:18:42.684Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-22T19:20:49.271Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "CMU",
    "__v": 0,
    "test": false,
    "children": [
    "geo_loc": {
      "coordinates": [],
      "type": "Point"
    "id": "58d2ce918113446f5c8c28b8"

HTTP Request

GET /api/location/<locationID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
locationId ID of location

Update a Location

Example Request:

PUT /api/location/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1

    "name" : "CMU Campus"

Example Response:

    "_id": "58d2ce918113446f5c8c28b8",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-29T21:18:42.684Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-22T19:20:49.271Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "CMU Campus",
    "__v": 0,
    "test": false,
    "children": [
    "geo_loc": {
      "coordinates": [],
      "type": "Point"
    "id": "58d2ce918113446f5c8c28b8"

HTTP Request

PUT /api/location/<locationId>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
locationId ID of location to update

Request body

The request body can include one or more of the fields below that need to be updated.

Name Type
name String
test Boolean
geo_loc.type String
geo_loc.coordinates Number

Delete a location

Example Request:

DELETE /api/location/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

HTTP Request

DELETE /api/location/<locationId>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
locationId ID of location to delete

Get gateways at a location

Example Request:

GET /api/location/58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc/gateways HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

    "_id": "58dc5e8ee235562ddbc9f22e",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-30T01:25:34.907Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-30T01:25:34.907Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Lora Gateway",
    "type": "LORA",
    "location_id": "58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true,
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT"
    "id": "58dc5e8ee235562ddbc9f22e"

HTTP Request

GET /api/location/<locationId>/gateways

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
locationId ID of location

Get devices at a location

Example Request:

GET /api/location/58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc/devices HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

    _id: "598dd0330b37ba77a17bfbd0",
    name: "device1",
    location_id: "58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc",
    pubsub: {
      protocol: "MQTT",
      endpoint: "openchirp/devices/598dd0330b37ba77a17bfbd0"
    id: "598dd0330b37ba77a17bfbd0"`

HTTP Request

GET /api/location/<locationId>/devices

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
locationId ID of location

Recursively get all devices at all child locations

Example Request:

GET /api/location/58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc/alldevices HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

  _id: "598dd0330b37ba77a17bfbd0",
  name: "device floor1",
  location_id: "5985343de0d1a47181511cfe",
  pubsub: {
    protocol: "MQTT",
    endpoint: "openchirp/devices/598dd0330b37ba77a17bfbd0"
  id: "598dd0330b37ba77a17bfbd0"
  _id: "598dd0110b37ba77a17bfbce",
  name: "device floor2",
  location_id: "59853448e0d1a47181511cff",
  pubsub: {
    protocol: "MQTT",
    endpoint: "openchirp/devices/598dd0110b37ba77a17bfbce"
  id: "598dd0110b37ba77a17bfbce"
  _id: "598dd04f0b37ba77a17bfbd1",
  name: "device floor3",
  location_id: "5985345ce0d1a47181511d00",
  pubsub: {
    protocol: "MQTT",
    endpoint: "openchirp/devices/598dd04f0b37ba77a17bfbd1"
  id: "598dd04f0b37ba77a17bfbd1"
  _id: "598dd01b0b37ba77a17bfbcf",
  name: "device floor4",
  location_id: "59853aa5e0d1a47181511d01",
  pubsub: {
    protocol: "MQTT",
    endpoint: "openchirp/devices/598dd01b0b37ba77a17bfbcf"
  id: "598dd01b0b37ba77a17bfbcf"
  _id: "598dd0570b37ba77a17bfbd2",
  name: "device floor5",
  location_id: "59853aade0d1a47181511d02",
  pubsub: {
    protocol: "MQTT",
    endpoint: "openchirp/devices/598dd0570b37ba77a17bfbd2"
  id: "598dd0570b37ba77a17bfbd2"
  _id: "598dd0660b37ba77a17bfbd3",
  name: "device floor5 2",
  location_id: "59853aade0d1a47181511d02",
  pubsub: {
    protocol: "MQTT",
    endpoint: "openchirp/devices/598dd0660b37ba77a17bfbd3"
  id: "598dd0660b37ba77a17bfbd3"

HTTP Request

GET /api/location/<locationId>/alldevices

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
locationId ID of location


Create new Device

Example Request:

POST /api/device HTTP/1.1
  "name":"Lab Door",

Example Response:

    "_id": "58dd50c4e235562ddbc9f231",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-30T19:39:56.719Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-30T18:39:00.265Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Lab Door",
    "location_id": "58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true,
    "linked_services": [],
    "commands": [],
    "transducers": [],
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "endpoint": "/devices/58dd50c4e235562ddbc9f231"
    "id": "58dd50c4e235562ddbc9f231"

HTTP Request

POST /api/device

Request body

Name Type Description Required Default
name String Name of device Yes -
type Enum {LORA, TWIST, FIREFLY, BOSCH_XDK} Type of device. No -
location_id String Location ID No -
gateway_id String Gateway ID No -
enabled Boolean If set to false, then the device is not monitored No True
properties Mixed JSON object that can include any number of key-value pairs No -

Create new Device using a template

Example Request:

POST /api/device HTTP/1.1
  "name":"Lab Door",

Example Response:

    "_id": "58dd50c4e235562ddbc9f231",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-30T19:39:56.719Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-30T18:39:00.265Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Lab Door",
    "location_id": "58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true,
    "linked_services": [],
    "commands": [
        "name": "Open Door",
        "value": "1",
        "transducer_id": "58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3",
        "_id": "58d2d46d8113446f5c8c28c4"
        "name": "Close Door",
        "value": "0",
        "transducer_id": "58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3",
        "_id": "58d2d4798113446f5c8c28c5"
    "transducers": [
        "name": "Door_State",
        "unit": "Integer",
        "_id": "58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3",
        "is_actuable": true
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "endpoint": "/devices/58dd50c4e235562ddbc9f231"
    "id": "58dd50c4e235562ddbc9f231"

HTTP Request

POST /api/device

Request body

All the fields in the create device request above can be included plus a template_id which is used to create transducers, commands and linked services.

Name Type Description Required Default
template_id String Device template ID. All transducers, commands and linked services in the template will be added to the device. No -

Get details of a device

Example Request :

GET /api/device/58d445bc2881ee1032d63508 HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

    "_id": "58d445bc2881ee1032d63508",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-23T22:01:32.151Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-23T22:01:32.151Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Lora Device6",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true,
    "linked_services": [],
    "commands": [],
    "transducers": [],
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "endpoint": "/devices/58d445bc2881ee1032d63508"
    "id": "58d445bc2881ee1032d63508"

HTTP Request

GET /api/device/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of device

Update a device

Example Request:

PUT /api/device/58d445bc2881ee1032d63508 HTTP/1.1

    "type": "LORA"

Example Response:

    "_id": "58d445bc2881ee1032d63508",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-23T22:01:32.151Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-23T22:01:32.151Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Lora Device6",
    "type": "LORA"
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true,
    "linked_services": [],
    "commands": [],
    "transducers": [],
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "endpoint": "/devices/58d445bc2881ee1032d63508"
    "id": "58d445bc2881ee1032d63508"

HTTP Request

PUT /api/device/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of device to update

Request body

The request body can include one or more of the fields below that need to be updated.

Name Type
name String
location_id String
gateway_id String
enabled Boolean
properties Mixed

Delete a device

Example Request:

DELETE /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

HTTP Request

DELETE /api/device/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of device to delete


Add a transducer to a device

Example Request:

POST /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd/transducer HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

   "name": "Temperature",
   "unit": "Celsius",
   "properties": {
      "protobuf": "uint:32"
   "_id": "58ddc5c9e235562ddbc9f234",
   "is_actuable": false

HTTP Request

POST /api/device/<deviceId>/transducer

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
deviceId Transducer is added to the device identified by its ID

Request body

Name Type Description Required Default
name String Name of transducer , example : Temperature Yes -
unit String Unit , example : Celsius Yes -
is_actuable Boolean If the transducer is actuable No False
properties Mixed JSON object that can include any number of key-value pairs No -

Get all transducers on a device

Example Request :

GET /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd/transducer HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

    "name": "Door_State",
    "unit": "Integer",
    "_id": "58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3",
    "is_actuable": true
    "name": "Temperature",
    "unit": "Celsius",
    "properties": {
      "protobuf": "uint:32"
    "_id": "58ddc5c9e235562ddbc9f234",
    "is_actuable": false

HTTP Request

GET /api/device/<deviceID>/transducer

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
deviceID ID of device

Update a transducer

Updating a transducer is not supported by design.

Publish to a transducer

Example Request:

POST /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd/transducer/58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3 HTTP/1.1


Example Response :

  "message": "Done"

HTTP Request

POST /api/device/<deviceID>/transducer/<transducerID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
deviceID ID of device.
transducerID ID of transducer to publish to.

Request Body

The json in the request body is published as-is to the transducer topic.

Get values from a transducer

Example Request:

GET /api/device/590b8ab0c1d7ee2313ee421c/transducer/590cf1d043fc916594746b1b HTTP/1.1

Using cURL:

curl -G ""

Example Response. Returns all values in a chunked stream (chunks have a size of 10,000 points), ordered by ascending time order:

  "results": [
      "series": [
          "name": "590b8ab0c1d7ee2313ee421c_door_state",
          "columns": [
          "values": [

            // all values will be returned in a chunked stream 

Performing an HTTP GET to a transducer resource will return the values stored in the database in ascending time order. Additional parameters allow you to define start and end times, maximum number of returned values, and paginate through the values.

The default output format is JSON. It is possible to specify the output format using the Content-Type HTTP header, where:

  1. text/csv or application/csv specifies CSV output
  2. any other content type will produce JSON output (default)

HTTP Request

GET /api/device/<deviceID>/transducer/<transducerID>?[stime=<stime>&etime=<etime>&limit=<limit>&page=<page>]

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
deviceID ID of device.
transducerID ID of transducer
stime See Start and End Times
etime See Start and End Times
limit See Limit and Paginating
page See Limit and Paginating

Parameters stime, etime, limit and page are not mandatory, and they can be freely combined, for example to return 5000 results (limit=5000) from a week ago (stime=now - 1w).

Start and End Times

Example Request. Return values from the last week, by passing stime=now() - 1w (note parameters are URL encoded and there must be spaces (%20) in the time specification):

GET /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd/transducer/58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3%20%3Fstime%3Dnow%28%29%20-%201w HTTP/1.1

Using cURL (note the --data-urlencode and the spaces in the time specification):

curl -G "" --data-urlencode “stime=now() - 1w"

It is possible to define start and end times using the stime and etime query string parameters. The time specifications are according to InfluxDB.

For example, stime=now() - 1w indicates that the query will return values starting one week ago. You can use simular time specifications using ‘d’ (days), ‘h’ (hours), ‘m’ (minutes), ’s’ (seconds), ‘ms’ (milliseconds) and ‘u’ (microseconds).

Other time specification examples:

  1. stime=stime=now() - 1w&etime=stime=now() - 1d: values from one week ago until yesterday.
  2. stime=stime=2015-08-18 23:00:01.232000000&etime=stime=2015-09-19: values between August 18, 2015 23:00:01.232000000 and September 19, 2015 00:00:00.

Please check InfluxDB’s documentation section on Time syntax in Queries for details.

Limit and Paginating

Example Request. Return the first 5000 values from a week ago in CSV format:

GET /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd/transducer/58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3%20%3Fstime%3Dnow%28%29%20-%201w%26limit%3D5000 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/csv

Using cURL:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/csv" -G "<deviceID>/transducer/<transducerID>" --data-urlencode "limit=5000" --data-urlencode "stime=now() - 1w"

You can set a limit to the number of points returned using the limit query string parameter, which can have a maximum value of 10,000 (limit=0 is equal to limit=10000).

The parameter page can be used to paginate thought the results, where each page has a size defined by the limit argument or defaults to 10,000 if no limit is given.

Delete a transducer

Example Request:

DELETE /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd/transducer/58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3 HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

HTTP Request

DELETE /api/device/<deviceID>/transducer/<transducerID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
deviceID ID of device.
transducerID ID of transducer to delete


Create new Command

Example Request:

POST /api/device/58d445bc2881ee1032d63508/command HTTP/1.1
  "name":"Open Door",
  "value" :"1"

Example Response:

    "name": "Open Door",
    "value": "1",
    "transducer_id": "58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3",
    "_id": "58d2d46d8113446f5c8c28c4"

HTTP Request

POST /api/device/<deviceID>/command

Request body

Name Type Description Required Default
name String Name of command, example: Open Door Yes -
transducer_id String Transducer to publish value to Yes -
value String Value to publish to transducer Yes -

Get all commands on a device

Example Request :

GET /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd/command HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

    "name": "Open Door",
    "value": "1",
    "transducer_id": "58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3",
    "_id": "58d2d46d8113446f5c8c28c4"
    "name": "Close Door",
    "value": "0",
    "transducer_id": "58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3",
    "_id": "58d2d4798113446f5c8c28c5"

HTTP Request

GET /api/device/<deviceID>/command

Request Parameters

Parameter Description

Execute a command

Example Request:

POST /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd/command/58d445bc2881ee1032d63508 HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

"message": "Done"

HTTP Request

POST /api/device/<deviceID>/command/<commandID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
deviceID ID of device
commandID ID of command to execute

Update a command

Not supported.

Delete a command

Example Request:

DELETE /api/device/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd/command/58d445bc2881ee1032d63508 HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

HTTP Request

DELETE /api/device/<deviceID>/command/<commandID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
deviceID ID of command’s device.
commandID ID of command to delete.


Get all services

Example Request:

GET /api/service HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

Create new Service

Example Request:

POST /api/service HTTP/1.1
  "name":"InfluxDB Storage Service",
  "description": "Service that stores all device transducer data into InfluxDB"


Example Response:

    "_id": "58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-22T19:33:56.232Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-22T19:33:56.232Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "InfluxDB Storage Service",
    "description": "Service that stores all device transducer data into InfluxDB",
    "__v": 0,
    "config_required": [],
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "remove_thing_endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf/thing/remove",
      "update_thing_endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf/thing/update",
      "new_thing_endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf/thing/new",
      "endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf"
    "id": "58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf"

HTTP Request

POST /api/service

Request body

Name Type Description Required Default
name String Name of service, example: InfluxDBStorageService. Yes -
description String A short description of what this service does. Yes -
properties Mixed Custom properties of this service. JSON object that can include any number of key-value pairs No -
config_required ThingsConfig Config required from things when they link to this service. No -

Get details of a service

Example Request :

GET /api/service/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

    "_id": "58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-22T19:33:56.232Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-22T19:33:56.232Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "InfluxDB Storage Service",
    "description": "Service that stores all device transducer data into InfluxDB",
    "__v": 0,
    "config_required": [],
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "remove_thing_endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf/thing/remove",
      "update_thing_endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf/thing/update",
      "new_thing_endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf/thing/new",
      "endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf"
    "id": "58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf"

HTTP Request

GET /api/service/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of service

Update a service

Example Request:

PUT /api/service/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1

    "name" : ""

Example Response:



HTTP Request

PUT /api/service/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of service to update

Request body

The request body can include one or more of the fields below that have to updated.

Name Type
name String
description String
properties Mixed

Delete a service

Example Request:

DELETE /api/service/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

HTTP Request

DELETE /api/service/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of service to delete

Add a device to a service

Update device service config

Remove a device from a service

Get all things linked to a service

Device Template

Get all device templates

Example Request:

GET /api/devicetemplate HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

    "_id": "58d443b5d0222f0b71c5da83",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-23T21:52:53.580Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-23T21:52:53.580Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Lora Template1",
    "description": "Template with 3 transducers with properties",
    "__v": 0,
    "linked_services": [
        "service_id": "58d442c7d0222f0b71c5da82"
    "transducers": [
        "name": "Temperature",
        "unit": "Celsius",
        "is_actuable": false,
        "properties": {
          "protobuf": "uint:1"
        "commands": []
        "name": "Pressure",
        "unit": "Psi",
        "is_actuable": false,
        "properties": {
          "protobuf": "uint:2"
        "commands": []
        "name": "Voltage",
        "unit": "V",
        "is_actuable": false,
        "properties": {
          "protobuf": "uint:3"
        "commands": []
    "id": "58d443b5d0222f0b71c5da83"

HTTP Request

GET /api/devicetemplate

Create new device template

Example Request:

POST /api/devicetemplate HTTP/1.1
  "name":"Lora Template",

Example Response:

HTTP Request

POST /api/devicetemplate

Request body

Name Type Description Required Default
name String Name of device template Yes -
description String A short description of what this template contains. Yes -
device_id String ID of device from which to generate this template Yes -

Get details of a template

Example Request :

GET /api/devicetemplate/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

HTTP Request

GET /api/devicetemplate/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of device template

Update a device template

Not supported.

Delete a device template

Example Request:

DELETE /api/devicetemplate/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

HTTP Request

DELETE /api/devicetemplate/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of device template to delete


Create new Gateway

Example Request:

POST /api/gateway HTTP/1.1
    "name": "Lora Gateway",
    "location_id": "58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc",
    "type": "LORA"

Example Response:

    "_id": "58dc5e8ee235562ddbc9f22e",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-30T01:25:34.907Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-30T01:25:34.907Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Lora Gateway",
    "type": "LORA",
    "location_id": "58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true,
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT"
    "id": "58dc5e8ee235562ddbc9f22e"

HTTP Request

POST /api/gateway

Request Body

Name Type Description Required Default
name String Name of gateway Yes -
type Enum {LORA, ZIGBEE} Type of gateway. Yes -
location_id String Location ID
enabled Boolean If set to false, then the gateway is not monitored No True
properties Mixed JSON object that can include any number of key-value pairs No -

Get all gateways

Example Request:

GET /api/gateway HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

    "_id": "5873dfefc653394e3f0966b9",
    "name": "LabGateway",
    "location_id": "5833479babdafd7b34858958",
    "type": "LORA",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true
    "_id": "587e9cf0ee4cf540f8590784",
    "name": "CICGateway",
    "location_id": "5833479babdafd7b34858958",
    "type": "LORA",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true

HTTP Request

GET /api/gateway

Get details of a gateway

Example Request:

GET /api/gateway/58dc5e8ee235562ddbc9f22e HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

    "_id": "58dc5e8ee235562ddbc9f22e",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-30T01:25:34.907Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-30T01:25:34.907Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Lora Gateway",
    "type": "LORA",
    "location_id": "58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true,
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT"
    "id": "58dc5e8ee235562ddbc9f22e"

HTTP Request

GET /api/gateway/<gatewayID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
gatewayID ID of gateway

Get devices linked to a gateway

Example Request:

GET /api/gateway/58dc5e8ee235562ddbc9f22e/devices HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

    "_id": "58de6b5ce235562ddbc9f235",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-31T14:44:44.557Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-31T14:44:44.557Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": " Lora Lab Device",
    "type": "LORA",
    "gateway_id": "58dc5e8ee235562ddbc9f22e",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true,
    "linked_services": [],
    "commands": [],
    "transducers": [],
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "endpoint": "/devices/58de6b5ce235562ddbc9f235"
    "id": "58de6b5ce235562ddbc9f235"

HTTP Request

GET /api/gateway/<gatewayID>/devices

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
gatewayID ID of gateway

Update gateway

Example Request :

PUT /api/gateway/587e9cf0ee4cf540f8590784 HTTP/1.1

    "name" : "CICGateway_Lab"

Example Response :

    "_id": "587e9cf0ee4cf540f8590784",
    "name": "CICGateway_Lab",
    "location_id": "5833479babdafd7b34858958",
    "type": "LORA",
    "__v": 0,
    "enabled": true

HTTP Request

PUT /api/gateway/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of gateway to update

Request body

The request body can include one or more of the fields below that have to updated.

Name Type
name String
location_id String
type Enum
enabled Boolean

Delete a gateway

Example Request:

DELETE /api/gateway/582e2b2c065b2545ded3aabd HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

HTTP Request

DELETE /api/gateway/<ID>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
ID ID of gateway to delete


Get Logged-In User Details

Example Request:

GET /api/user HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

  "_id": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
  "updated_at": "2017-03-22T19:20:32.405Z",
  "created_at": "2017-03-22T19:20:32.405Z",
  "name": "Test User",
  "email": "",
  "__v": 0,
  "id": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7"

HTTP Request

GET /api/user

Get my services

Example Request:

GET /api/user/myservices?name=influxdb HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

    "_id": "58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-22T19:33:56.232Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-22T19:33:56.232Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "InfluxDB Storage Service",
    "description": "Service that stores all device transducer data into InfluxDB",
    "__v": 0,
    "config_required": [],
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "remove_thing_endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf/thing/remove",
      "update_thing_endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf/thing/update",
      "new_thing_endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf/thing/new",
      "endpoint": "/services/58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf"
    "id": "58d2d1a48113446f5c8c28bf"

HTTP Request

GET /api/user/myservices?name=<search_criteria>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
name Search by name (Optional)

Get my devices

Example Request :

GET /api/user/mydevices HTTP/1.1

Example Response :

    "_id": "58d2d3078113446f5c8c28c0",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-22T19:46:01.186Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-22T19:39:51.961Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Lab Door",
    "location_id": "58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc",
    "__v": 3,
    "enabled": true,
    "linked_services": [],
    "commands": [
        "name": "Open Door",
        "value": "1",
        "transducer_id": "58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3",
        "_id": "58d2d46d8113446f5c8c28c4"
    "transducers": [
        "name": "Door_State",
        "unit": "Integer",
        "_id": "58d2d4398113446f5c8c28c3",
        "is_actuable": true
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "endpoint": "/devices/58d2d3078113446f5c8c28c0"
    "id": "58d2d3078113446f5c8c28c0"
    "_id": "58d2d3328113446f5c8c28c1",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-30T16:07:55.655Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-22T19:40:34.101Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Buildings",
    "location_id": "58d2cf268113446f5c8c28bc",
    "type": "LORA",
    "__v": 3,
    "enabled": true,
    "linked_services": [
        "service_id": "58d442c7d0222f0b71c5da82"
    "commands": [],
    "transducers": [],
    "pubsub": {
      "protocol": "MQTT",
      "endpoint": "/devices/58d2d3328113446f5c8c28c1"
    "id": "58d2d3328113446f5c8c28c1"

HTTP Request

GET /api/user/mydevices?name=<search_criteria>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
name Search by name (Optional)

Get my locations

Example Request:

GET /api/user/mylocations?name=pitt HTTP/1.1

Example Response:

    "_id": "58dc24b2e235562ddbc9f22c",
    "updated_at": "2017-03-30T17:55:52.406Z",
    "created_at": "2017-03-29T21:18:42.682Z",
    "owner": "58d2ce808113446f5c8c28b7",
    "name": "Pitt Campus",
    "__v": 0,
    "test": false,
    "children": [],
    "geo_loc": {
      "coordinates": [],
      "type": "Point"
    "id": "58dc24b2e235562ddbc9f22c" 

HTTP Request

GET /api/user/mylocations/?name=<search_criteria>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
name Search by name (Optional)